sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

Audio Lingua

I can't really remember the way  I came across Audio Lingua a few weeks ago, but I am going to definitely recommend it to all my students, irrespective of their level.

In Audio Lingua you can find somewhere in the region of 300 hundred downloadable audio files of varying length contributed by native speakers talking about a topic of their interest. The files are all classified A1 (Básico 1), A2 (Básico 2), B1 (Intermedio 1/2), B2 (Advanced). Besides, users can find audio files in up to ten European languages.

The site is ideal for students who must face an end-of-year examination where listening comprehension plays an important role. On top of that, the growing trend towards authentic material in both teaching and exams makes this web invaluable.

On the minus side it must be said that there are no accompanying tasks or transcriptions and the quality of some of the recording leaves something to be desired.

But do not be put off by any of this. Audio Lingua is a gem for all English learners.