sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Charles Dickens Museum

Charles Dickens Museum gives English learners the opportunity to develop their English listening and reading skills while dropping by the museum's webpage.

To be honest, there isn't much content on the webpage itself, which will give lower level students (Básico 1 and Básico 2) the opportunity to focus on the information without being overwhelmed by content overload.

You can download a leaflet of the museum here.

This is a short promotional video of the museum which is suitable for intermediate students.

The Charles Dickens Museum from martinib.eu on Vimeo.

You can also learn about Dickens and his time by visiting this section of British Library website.

Don't miss John Mullan's video, where he explains in an easy way Dickens' obsession with fame and fortune.

Finally, here's a short BBC documentary that tells us about the life of Charles Dickens.