jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Sign language

Only yesterday we posted an entry about more and more men choosing pink-collar jobs nowadays. Along these lines comes today's post, Sign language, an award-winning short-film about some other non-traditional occupations and the feelings that boil inside the workers doing them.

Somehow it reminded me of a lesson we did in May this year about the most hated occupations. The list featured jobs like estate agents, motorcycle couriers, nightclub bouncers, tax inspectors, telesales reps and traffic wardens, but funnily enough, no mention of board boys.

Self-study activity:
Watch the film and enjoy it. There are some difficult parts in what Ben says, but some others are well within the grasp of intermediate students. You can find the transcript below.

Yeah, my work place is wonderful and I want to share it.
My name is Ben. I am a static outdoor information technician – a board guy.
I’ve been doing it for about 15 years, ah, but I’ve just been promoted. So today is my last day.
London is the most exciting city in the world and I’m in the heart of it. Started out in the provinces, learning the trade, get the technique down. Worked the night shift for a few years. And then my dad retired, passed his patch on to me. But I had to earn it, really. This is Granddad’s pole actually.
Ah, my workmates are amazing. That’s Harry, he’s a joker. He’s always larking around. You know last year he held his sign upside down all day, just for a laugh.
You alright, Harry? Must be planning some high jinks.
Then there’s Chris, Steve, completely inseparable, two peas in a pod.
That’s Alex, work experience, degree in urban semiotics. Still got lots to learn though.
Then there’s Anya. She only started last month. You can tell she really gets it though. Terrible condition those flyerers, I wish I could help. She’s non-union though, so I can’t talk to her.
Yeah, hi Dad. Yeah, hi. No, ah, new post… first day new post starts tomorrow. Yeah, I am excited. Look, Dad, I’m at work. Ah, yeah, can I call you back? Ok, bye, bye.
Don’t get me wrong, the promotion is great. You know, it’s an honour to be recognized, Dad's over the moon.
It’s just that, this… place… You know we’re on a 12th century road surrounded by 19th century buildings - they’re works of art. Beneath us, there’s an underground river. There’s so much community here, so much life. And most people don’t see past the neon. This job teaches you about things like that.
You know, I’m here to point out less obvious things. "From the ruts of Oxford Street to open ways", Thomas Hardy, 1872.
There’s so much beauty, you know, so much opportunity, right under our noses. We shouldn’t just ignore it.
Well, that’s it. Shift's over. Thought the guys might give me a send-off or something. I guess they’re too busy. Oh well.
Yeah, it’s not too bad. Not so many people as before, but, I still love Mondays.
Off to work