domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Extensive listening: Allergy planet

I have been meaning for some time to include a feature on the blog that focuses on extensive listening, that is, listening for the sake of listening, with no task in mind. Somehow, we started out this trend last Sunday with the post which remembered Gore Vidal's life and achievements.

So from now on and for a number of weeks we will be posting at the weekend a video clip aimed at intermediate students around a topic of interest with no obvious task beyond student's enjoyment. However, as the prime aim of this blog is to provide English students with opportunities to develop their English, we will try to publish entries which are supported by subtitles or the transcript.

Today's video is part of a BBC programme, Horizon, and deals with the ever-growing problem of allergies around the world.

Watch Allergy Planet and enjoy it. You can read the transcript here.