sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

The American story teller

The American Story Teller is an incredible site created by Nelson Lauver. It is specifically meant for English learners and those with special learning difficulties.

Every week and for the last twenty years, Nelson has been publishing a three-four minute podcast with anecdotes of personal experiences, American history, famous and local people. The stories are told in a casual, conversational way, but they all illustrate what any person can do with courage and determination in their life.

Nelson has grouped the stories around topics that you can find in the Audio Stories tag: American History, American Icons, American Presidents, Animal related, Black History, Disability related, Heart warming, Holiday, Human interest, Humour, Military, Motivational, Overcoming adversity, Real people profiles, Small town America, Trivia.

To get the full transcript of the podcasts you have to register on the site.