viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Cat Saves Little Boy From Being Attacked by Neighbour's Dog

Self-study activity:
Watch this ABC news item about a cat rescuing a child who had been attacked by a dog and answer the questions about it.

The activity is suitable for intermediate students.

1 Who's dog was it?
2 How old is Jeremy?
3 When did the parents find out that the cat was involved?
4 How long has the cat been with the family?
5 What did the cat use to do when Jeremy was a newborn?
6 What were the consequences of the dog's bite for Jeremy?

You can check the answers by reading the transcript below.

And the eternal contest between cat and dog score a big one for cat tonight. A toddler on his bike was ambushed by a neighbour’s dog (1) and then a fearless fur ball came flying in at lightening speed, ready to rescue a little friend. ABC’s David Wright shows all of it caught on camera.
4-year-old (2) Jeremy Triantafilo was riding his bike minding his own business yesterday when a neighbour's guard dog appeared out of nowhere. The home security camera’s rolling as dog grabbed boy and cat came to the rescue. That’s right! Cat! Watch closely, that black flash on the right side of the frame is Jeremy’s kitty cat Tara, pouncing on the pouch, chasing him off, saving little Jeremy.
Until you looked at the video tape, you didn’t even know that the cat was involved?
No (3), we both, kind of, you know, kind of gasped and we’re like holly cow.
The cat adopted the couple five years ago (4) following them home from the park one day. When Jeremy was a new born she’d climb into his crib and curl up beside him (5), an unusual bond for a creature that nature tends to be barely aloaf.
To have her, with no regard for her own life, fly at the dog to protect him, I’ve never seen anything like that.
This was round one, round one to the kitty cat, huh?
Jeremy has some stitches from the dog bite (6) but he’ll be just fine, thanks to Tara.
She’s a hero.
David Wright, ABC News Bakersfield California

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